My goals for the second half of 2015

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As I have been doing for last few years, it is time to assess how well I have done on my blogging and learning goals. I will also share my goals for the second half of 2015.

Status for 2015 first half goals

Here is my assessment of the goals I had set out for myself:

  1. Write 2 blogs related to OpenStack: this time I must blog about Open vSwitch and Neutron agents
    • Score: 9/10
    • **Status: **While I wrote multiple blogs about OpenStack, I could not focus on Open vSwitch.
  2. Write 2 blogs in the WILT series
    • Score: 5/10
    • **Status: **I have learnt a lot this year but could write only one blog on the WILT series
  3. Create one YouTube video related to OpenStack or Networking
    • Score: 0/10
    • **Status: **This is an easy one. No new YouTube video so the score is zero :).

The first half of the year brought with it some very positive developments professionally. The biggest being the opportunity to write a book about OpenStack. I also spent considerable time developing OpenStack install scripts for Juno release. Both activities kept me well occupied and overall it has been a great first half of the year. On the improvement side, I will try to space my blogs more evenly through out the 6 months.

Goals for the second half of 2015

The OpenStack book is due later this year and I definitely intend to work on the install scripts for OpenStack Kilo release. So continuing the theme of blogging and experimenting around OpenStack, her are my goals:

  1. YouTube video related to OpenStack - making a video is not easy but I believe I have nailed down the topic for the video.
  2. Build and blog about a small OpenStack GUI related idea - this could be 1-2 blogs
  3. Release the installation scripts for Kilo on Github
  4. Write a management related blog on LinkedIn - something new that I want to attempt
  5. Write 1 blog in the WILT series

The ground work for some these goals are already in place. However with the release of the book later this year, I need to manage my time well to meet these goals.